How to Apply for Computer Science MSc Conversion Programmes in the UK

My application season has officially come to an end, and the website has been silent for almost half a year. It's time to get productive. Let's start a thread and discuss everything about transferring to a Computer Science MSc program in the UK.

This post was translated from my Chinese blog post with the aid of ChatGpt.


My undergraduate major was in architecture. When I was applying for college, my decision-making process might have been a bit flawed. I placed computer science as a lower priority choice after architecture. Consequently, I ended up in this five-year abyss of a major. I even spent a summer learning sketching, as architecture majors had to pass an art test for admission. Looking back, wouldn’t it have been better to spend that summer learning C and Java?

(Present self: I deeply regret it now.)

Originally, I had written a lengthy section detailing the reasons for my major switch, but I decided to skip it. In short, if you’re a miserable architecture student with some interest in computer science, I hope this article can help you.

This article specifically addresses switching courses, or conversion programs. These programs have lower academic requirements for applicants and are designed for those with undergraduate backgrounds outside of computer science. Some universities may require proof of mathematical aptitude and STEM backgrounds. As for the experts, you might want to try applying directly to a regular CS MSc program. However, I felt my skills were too inadequate, and I was concerned about not graduating, so I didn’t attempt to apply for regular programs.

Additionally, I’ll briefly touch on the DIY aspects of studying abroad. Going to study abroad is truly not easy. From language to documentation, and then the application process itself, the journey is filled with people trying to take your money. As someone from the endangered species list, about to be wiped out in 2020 due to poverty, DIY is the best choice. It saves money and enhances your abilities along the way.


The application timeline provided here is for reference, primarily aimed at five-year undergraduate programs. For four-year undergraduate programs, please subtract one year accordingly.

  • Before Year 4 in a Five-year Undergraduate Program - Focus on maintaining a high GPA because UK universities often use GPA as a strict criterion. Try to achieve a GPA of 85 or higher. Additionally, you can consider taking language exams (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL, PTE) and researching potential universities.
  • Summer before Year 5 - Begin preparing your application documents (PS, CV, RL, etc.) while continuing to work on language exams and university selection.
  • Start of Year 5 - UK universities typically open their applications at this time. Return to your university’s academic affairs office to request relevant supporting documents and prepare to submit your applications.
  • Rest of Year 5 - If you haven’t yet passed your language exams, continue your preparations. If you have, you can relax a bit.

University Selection Guide

UK universities are generally very accommodating when it comes to applications for conversion programs. There are many CS conversion programs available. I recommend considering university rankings from QS and checking the official websites of universities for course information. Additionally, the location of the university should be a factor to consider. Below is a list of universities I found at that time, including only those within the top 200 according to QS rankings.

  • University of Bristol
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Birmingham
  • Newcastle University
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Bath
  • Queen’s University Belfast
  • University of Liverpool
  • University College Dublin (Ireland)

University of Bristol

The University of Bristol is one of the highest-ranking institutions offering conversion programs. In 2020, it was ranked 49th by QS and is located in the southwest of England.

Computer Science (conversion)

The program duration is 1 year, with a tuition fee of £24,700. It is available only in full-time mode and requires proof of mathematical proficiency. The courses offered include:

  • Programming in C
  • Overview of Computer Architecture
  • Software Engineering and Group Project
  • Object Oriented Programming with Java
  • Research Skills
  • Web Technologies
  • MSc Project Computer Science
  • Databases
Link to Program

University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow was my final choice of institution, and they offered me admission within 3 days. I can’t praise the campus enough; it gives off a Hogwarts-like vibe. In the 2020 QS rankings, it is ranked 69th. The university is located in the central-western part of Scotland and offers three different programs.


Commonly known as IT, this program had the highest number of admitted students this year. It is available in both full-time and part-time modes, with a duration of 1 year for full-time and 2 years for part-time students. The tuition fee is £23,500. The courses offered include:

  • INTERNET TECHNOLOGY (M) (optional)
Link to Program



This is the program I applied for, which is a specialized track within IT, focusing on software development. It is available in both full-time and part-time modes, with a duration of 1 year for full-time students and 2 years for part-time students. The tuition fee is £23,500. The courses offered include:

  • INTERNET TECHNOLOGY (M) (optional)
Link to Program



Similarly, this is a specialized program within IT, focusing on the field of cybersecurity. It is available in both full-time and part-time modes, with a duration of 1 year for full-time students and 2 years for part-time students. The tuition fee is £23,500. The courses offered include:

Link to Program

University of Sheffield

Sheffield University has been quite selective this year, with rejections even for applicants with an average score of 90+ in the 985 Project. Last month, there were only a dozen Chinese students in their CS program, and I don’t know what they were thinking, as they sent me a rejection letter within a month. In 2020, it was ranked 78th in the QS rankings and is located in England.

Software Systems and Internet Technology

The name of this program is quite lengthy. It is a full-time program with a duration of 1 year, and the tuition fee is £23,750. The courses offered include:

  • Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming
  • Network and Internetwork Architectures
  • Professional Issues
  • Software Engineering for Internet Technology
  • Team Project (SSIT)
  • Advanced Java Programming
  • Web Technologies
  • Software Re-Engineering
  • Dissertation Project
Link to Program

University of Nottingham

Yes, it’s the same University of Nottingham in Ningbo. In 2020, it was ranked 96th in the QS rankings and is located in England. There are two programs available, and an application fee of £50 is required. Your application will not be reviewed without payment.

I hesitated to pay this fee for a while and ended up delaying my application. During that time, I received an offer from the University of Glasgow. A few days ago, the University of Nottingham sent me three emails in one day, urging me to pay the fee. I felt like I was acting like a scoundrel, haha.

Computer Science or Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)

This program accepts applicants with a background in either computer science or other fields. Applicants from non-computer science backgrounds will need to study the basics of computer science in the first semester and can choose elective courses in the second semester. It is a full-time program with a duration of 1 year, or 2 years for part-time students, with a tuition fee of £24,390., The courses offered include:

  • Research Methods
  • Programming
  • Systems and Networks
  • Databases, Interfaces and Software Design Principles

The above courses are required for the conversion program. There are numerous elective courses available, but I won’t list them here.

Link to Program

Human Computer Interaction MSc

The Human-Computer Interaction program is actually very suitable for students with a background in architecture to apply for. This discipline is an interdisciplinary field that combines psychology, design, and computer science. Other universities also offer this program, but I haven’t researched it much. If you’re interested, please feel free to search for more information.

It’s a full-time program lasting for one year, with a tuition fee of £24,390. The courses offered include:

  • Design Ethnography
  • Studying Human Performance
  • Mixed Reality Technologies
  • Human-Computer Systems
  • Advanced Methods in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction
  • Individual Project: Human-Computer Interaction
  • Cognitive Ergonomics in Design (optional)
  • Programming (optional)
  • Collaboration and Communication Technologies (optional)
  • Fundamentals of Information Visualisation (optional)
  • Games (optional)
  • Information Visualisation Project (optional)
  • Data Modelling and Analysis (optional)
  • Simulation and Optimisation for Decision Support (optional)
  • Physical Ergonomics (optional)
  • Simulation, Virtual Reality and Advanced Human-Machine Interface (optional)
Link to Program

University of Birmingham

The University of Birmingham has two campuses, one in Birmingham and the other in Dubai. If you’re interested in experiencing a luxurious lifestyle, you can learn more about the Dubai campus. In the 2020 QS rankings, it is ranked 81st and is located in the central part of England.

Computer Science

This is a full-time program lasting for one year, with a tuition fee of £24,120. The courses offered include:

  • Data Structures, Algorithms, and Databases
  • Software Workshop 1
  • Software Workshop 2
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Building Useable Software
  • Computer Science
  • Research Project
Link to Program

Newcastle University

Don’t confuse it with the similarly named university in Australia, hhh. I received an offer within a month. In the 2020 QS rankings, it is ranked 146th and is located in the northeast of England.

Computer Science

This is a full-time program lasting for one year, with a tuition fee of £23,400. The courses offered include:

  • Programming and Data Structures
  • Advanced Programming
  • Research Methods for Computer Science
  • Computer Environments
  • Networks and Web Technologies
  • Software Engineering with Group Project
  • Information Systems
  • Project and Dissertation for MSc Computer Science
Link to Program

Cardiff University

Cardiff University offers programs with a 1-year internship option, but you’ll need to find the internship yourself as it’s not provided. Programs with and without internships are interchangeable. I received an offer within three days. In the 2020 QS rankings, it is ranked 154th and is located in Wales (the capital city).


This program is available as both full-time for one year and part-time for two years, with a tuition fee of £22,950. The courses offered include:

  • Dissertation
  • Web Application Development
  • Python for Computation
  • Object-Oriented Development with Java
  • Software Engineering
  • Computational Systems (optional)
  • Distributed and Cloud Computing (optional)
  • Human Centric Computing (optional)
  • Information Modelling and Database Systems (optional)
  • Data Visualisation (optional)
  • E-Commerce and Innovation (optional)
Link to Program

Computing with Placement

#Full-time 2 years with 1-year internship, tuition fee £22,950. The courses offered include:

  • Dissertation
  • Placement
  • Web Application Development
  • Python for Computation
  • Object-Oriented Development with Java
  • Software Engineering
  • Computational Systems (optional)
  • Distributed and Cloud Computing (optional)
  • Human Centric Computing (optional)
  • Information Modelling and Database Systems (optional)
  • Data Visualisation (optional)
  • E-Commerce and Innovation (optional)
Link to Program

Computing and IT Management

This program has some intersections with business studies. It is a full-time 1-year course or a part-time 2-year course, with a tuition fee of £22,950. The courses offered include:

  • Dissertation
  • Web Application Development
  • Information Modelling and Database Systems
  • Business and IT Management
  • E-Commerce and Innovation
  • Python for Data Analysis (optional)
  • Python for Computation (optional)
  • Distributed and Cloud Computing (optional)
  • Human Centric Computing (optional)
  • Data Visualisation (optional)
Link to Program

Computing and IT Management with Placement

This program has some intersections with business studies. It is a full-time 2-year course with a 1-year internship option, and the tuition fee is £22,950. The courses offered include:

  • Dissertation
  • Placement
  • Web Application Development
  • Information Modelling and Database Systems
  • Business and IT Management
  • E-Commerce and Innovation
  • Python for Data Analysis (optional)
  • Python for Computation (optional)
  • Distributed and Cloud Computing (optional)
  • Human Centric Computing (optional)
  • Data Visualisation (optional)
Link to Program

University of Bath

Affectionately known as Bath University. Ranked 172 in the 2020 QS rankings, located in England.

Computer Science

Full-time program lasting 1 year, with tuition fees of £20,500. The courses offered include:

  • Principles of programming
  • Software engineering
  • Databases
  • Foundations of computation
  • Research seminar
  • Research project preparation
  • Functional programming
  • Plus optional units
  • Dissertation
  • Entrepreneurship (optional)
  • Artificial intelligence (optional)
  • Theory of human computer interaction (optional)
  • Cryptography (optional)
  • Collaborative systems (optional)
  • Interactive communication design (optional)
  • Intelligent control and cognitive systems (optional)
  • Security and integrity (optional)
Link to Program

Queen’s University Belfast

Ranked 173 in the 2020 QS rankings, located in Northern Ireland’s capital.

Software Development

A full-time program lasting 1 year, with tuition fees of £21,400. The courses offered include:

  • Programming
  • Databases
  • Software Engineering
  • Web Development
  • Computing Fundamentals
Link to Program

University of Liverpool

Ranked 181 in the 2020 QS rankings, located in England.

Computer Science

A full-time program lasting 1 year, or part-time over 2 years, with tuition fees of £21,600. The courses offered include:

  • Research Methods in Computer Science
  • Object Oriented Software Development
  • Database and Information Systems
  • Web Programming
  • MSc Project
  • Safety and Dependability (optional)
  • Reasoning About Action and Change (optional)
  • Applied Algorithmics (optional)
  • Data Mining and VIsualisation (optional)
  • Multi-agent Systems (optional)
  • Technologies for E-commerce (optional)
  • Semantics of Programming Languages (optional)
  • Ontologies and Semantic Web (optional)
  • Machine Learning and Bioinspired Optimisation (optional)
  • Web Mapping and Analysis (optional)
  • Computational Intelligence (optional)
Link to Program

University College Dublin

Ranked as the 2nd top university in Ireland and 185th in the 2020 QS rankings, located in the capital city of Ireland, Dublin.

The university has an excellent reputation in Ireland, and one of its advantages over the UK is the relatively easier ability to stay and find work after graduation. Graduates are provided with a two-year work visa (similar to the UK’s PSW). When applying, you can choose to apply to both the UK and Ireland through a joint application system. It may be worth noting that I received an offer from this university but decided not to go, as the UK has also introduced new work visa options, and I didn’t want to lose my €50 application fee.

I applied to this university very early on, but they were one of the last to send me an offer. I waited for about two months, and during that time, I started to lose hope, thinking I might have been rejected or placed on a waitlist. Surprisingly, when the offer finally came through, I had already paid my deposit for the University of Glasgow.

I should also mention that the cost of living in Dublin is quite high, comparable to London. Rent, in particular, was a deterrent for me. Even houses located far from the university were priced at seven to eight hundred euros per month.

Computer Science (Conversion)

This program has a duration of 16 months and a tuition fee of €25,600. You will need to provide proof of your mathematical abilities when applying. The courses offered include:

  • Programming I (Conversion)
  • Data Structures & Algorithms (Conversion)
  • Relational Databases & Information Systems (Conversion)
  • Python OOP (Conv)
  • Operating Systems (Conversion)
  • Networks & Internet Systems (Conversion)
  • Computer Architecture & Organistion (Conversion)
  • Web Application Development (Conversion)
  • Java Programming (Conv)
  • Software Engineering (Conv)
  • Computational Thinking (Conversion)
  • Data Analytics (Conversion)
  • Research Practicum (MSc Conversion)
Link to Program

Because this was my dream school from the beginning, I collected a lot of information (once again feeling like a jerk). Below are a few links to related questions on Zhihu for your reference. Also, don’t be fooled by study abroad agents who claim that studying in Ireland is super cheap, saying that 150,000-200,000 RMB per year is enough for everything, etc. This program alone costs 200,000 RMB in tuition, not to mention the cost of rent, living expenses, and other expenses for 16 months. You can easily spend 400,000 RMB.

Language Exams

  • Language exams and GPA are two crucial factors when applying to universities in the UK. If you can’t meet the language requirements within the specified time frame, you can choose to enroll in a language course.
  • Language courses can be quite expensive and could cover the cost of many language exams. So, it’s better to try to pass the language exams if possible, as language courses don’t guarantee success, and even after completing a language course, you still need to take exams organized by the university. If you fail, you might end up going back home.
  • Even if you pass the language exam, you can still attend a language course because they often teach essay writing techniques. If you have the money, why not?
  • Currently, there are three language exams widely recognized by most universities: IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE.
  • Most students applying to the UK take the IELTS exam. If you plan to attend a language course, UKVI IELTS is your only option.
  • The scores for these three exams are valid for two years. This means there’s no need to take them before your third year, but you can start preparing earlier because English language learning is a long-term process that requires gradual accumulation.
  • IELTS listening and reading sections are relatively easy to improve, while the speaking and writing sections are more challenging. PTE has a higher difficulty level for listening and reading, but the speaking and writing sections are easier to score in. I haven’t taken the TOEFL exam, so I can’t provide an evaluation, but I’ve heard that the listening section is quite challenging. Choose the exam that aligns with your strengths in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as each attempt can cost around 2,000 RMB, equivalent to the price of a smartphone.
  • There is some score suppression for the IELTS speaking and writing sections in China because Chinese test-takers are known to perform well. If you encounter score suppression, you can consider taking the test in Southeast Asia or South Korea, where you might get an additional 0.5 in your score.
  • I’ve provided a detailed description of the PTE exam in my previous article. Link to Program
  • Here’s my timeline for language exams:
    • I started thinking about reviewing for the IELTS in early 2018 but procrastinated heavily.
    • In November 2018, I took the IELTS for the first time and failed to meet the requirements in speaking and writing.
    • In April 2019, I took the IELTS again, but my scores in speaking and writing didn’t improve.
    • In December 2019, I took the PTE exam for the first time and passed it on the first try.
  • Personally, I don’t recommend enrolling in coaching institutions for language learning because you can find all kinds of resources online. If you’re too lazy to search, there are organized materials available on Taobao.

Personal Statements (PS/SOP)

Personal statements can generally be divided into three parts: the Personal Statement (PS), Curriculum Vitae (CV), and Recommendation Letters (RL). Among them, the personal statement is the most important. It took me about a month to complete these three documents. Here are some personal suggestions:

  • First, I’d like to share two forums where experts have summarized methods for writing personal statements. I recommend carefully reading their essential posts.

    • 寄托天下: This forum also shares application experiences, and the administrators are helpful.
    • 一亩三分地: I don’t like the administrators of this forum because they set high thresholds for newcomers, but there are valuable experiences shared on it, especially in the section dedicated to personal statements.
  • When it comes to writing personal statements, it’s better to do it yourself because you know yourself best. Most agencies use templates and clichés, which admission officers are tired of reading.

  • If you’re not confident in your English proficiency, you can ask someone to help you correct grammar errors. There are many platforms available, and I personally used papersogay. You can also find document proofreading services on Taobao.

  • Make good use of Google to see how others have written their personal statements. Search in English, as you won’t find much valuable information in Chinese; you’ll mostly see advertisements from various agencies.

When it comes to the PS/SOP, it’s important to understand that most universities only require one of them, either the Personal Statement (PS) or the Statement of Purpose (SOP). However, some universities may require both.

In cases where only one is required, these two can be considered the same thing. The PS/SOP for graduate applications typically covers your motivations for applying to a particular program. For example:

  • Why have you chosen this university?
  • Why have you chosen this field of study?
  • What do you hope to gain from this program?
  • What are your future plans?
  • Why is this course suitable for you, or why are you suitable for this course?
  • Include relevant experiences that demonstrate your abilities and qualities. Be careful not to turn it into an expanded CV; select a few experiences that best showcase your skills and qualities.

When writing, be mindful of word or page limits. I recommend keeping it to one page, which is approximately 500 words. Writing too much can be counterproductive, as admissions officers may not want to read lengthy statements. Also, pay attention to the format:

  • Use fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.
  • Use font sizes between 10.5 and 12, adjusting for formatting.
  • Maintain a line spacing between 1.4 and 1.5, depending on formatting.
  • Use justified alignment.
  • Start each paragraph at the left margin, with extra spacing between paragraphs.
  • You can include the school’s name in the header.

To show your sincerity, you can include a different positive remark tailored to each school. Making a few minor changes won’t take much time.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A CV, or curriculum vitae, is the easiest part of the application when it comes to writing. Stick to the format, and you’ll be fine. Here are some personal suggestions:

  • You can use Word for formatting; there’s no need to use LaTeX. LaTeX has a steeper learning curve, and our goal is to write the documents, not learn software.

  • Use bullet points for a more straightforward presentation.

  • Keep it simple; there’s no need for fancy formatting. Black and white is sufficient.

  • Do not include a photo.

  • Usually, one page is enough for a CV. However, some schools may require two pages.

Recommendation Letters (RL)

RL stands for recommendation letters. Typically, you need two, but some schools may require only one. Here are some tips:

  • It’s best to ask a teacher you’re familiar with for help, as they will have more to write about. If your teacher is not a well-known figure in the field, don’t worry too much about their title. What’s important is their understanding of you.

  • Focus on highlighting your strengths and avoid mentioning weaknesses.

  • Print the letters on letterhead paper with the school’s logo and name. If there are specific formatting requirements, follow them.

  • Teachers can sign with either their pinyin or Chinese name.

  • Use an email address with an edu domain, but if your teacher doesn’t have one, an 163 email is also acceptable. Avoid using QQ email addresses.

  • Some schools may send emails to your recommenders for confirmation. Ask your teacher to check their email.

  • Some schools may have specific requirements for recommendation letters. Be sure to follow their instructions.


GPA is the most critical factor for UK universities to screen applicants. Generally, UK universities classify GPA into four tiers based on the level of your institution:

  • Group 5 (G5) is the top tier.
  • The second tier is the top 50 in the QS World Rankings.
  • The third tier is ranked 51-100.
  • The fourth tier is beyond 100.

For non-Project 211/985 universities in China:

  • The first tier typically requires a GPA of 90 or higher.
  • The second tier requires a GPA of 85 or higher.
  • The third tier requires a GPA of 80 or higher.
  • The fourth tier requires a GPA of 75 or higher.

Please note that some universities have their internal lists, and if your university is not on their list, you may be rejected without any specific reason. You can find some of these lists online, so it’s worth checking before applying to avoid wasting your effort.

Other Documents

Official School Documents

Official school documents are generally obtained from the school’s academic affairs office or academic advisor and stamped with the school’s official seal. If there is no English version, you may need to translate it into English and then have it stamped with the official seal. If the school does not provide seal stamps for self-translated documents, you may need to notarize them. Below is a checklist:

  • Transcripts from previous years
  • Official school GPA and ranking (optional)
  • Certificate of enrollment (for applicants who have not graduated)
  • Mathematical proficiency certificate (non-mandatory)
  • GPA conversion explanation (non-mandatory)
  • Graduation certificate (for applicants who have graduated)
  • Degree certificate (for applicants who have graduated)

Here is an example using my alma mater. Transcripts, official GPA, and ranking documents need to be scheduled at the college office (Architecture Building 312-2). You can make an appointment before 4 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays and pick them up one day later. The certificate of enrollment can be obtained from the academic advisor’s office. You can write the mathematical proficiency certificate yourself and create a GPA conversion explanation according to the school’s algorithm. All these documents were in Chinese at my alma mater, so I had to translate them into English myself and then bring both the original and translated documents to the academic affairs office (Window 4 at the Library Student Service Center) for the teacher’s seal.

Here is an example of what I translated. I didn’t adjust the format, but if you need the original documents, you can email me.


兹证明 XX ,性别 X ,身份证号:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,系XX大学建筑与城乡规划学院XX班学生,学号:XX,于X年X月至今在我校就读,目前为本科X年级在读学生。


Studying Certificate

This is to certify that XX, student No. xx, ID No. xx, has been studying in the College of xx in xx University since mm, yyyy. His major is x. Now he is a senior of the Department of x, the time of graduating will be mm, yyyy. We hereby certify.

College of x
x University


兹证明 xx ,性别 x ,学号:xx,身份证号:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,于x年x月至x年x月在我校学习高等数学课程并通过期末考试。


Mathematical Ability Certificate

This is to certify that xx, male/female, student No. xx, ID No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, has finished our Advanced Algebra course from mm yyyy to mm yyyy. We hereby certify.

x University


When applying, you need to upload your passport. Generally, you should scan the page with your photo on it.


To be honest, this doesn’t have much impact. Just scan and upload them.

Language Proficiency Test Scores

Here, I will only talk about IELTS and PTE. I’m not familiar with TOEFL.

  • IELTS - Scan and upload the score report that the official organization mailed to you in the application system.
  • PTE - You need to send the score report to the corresponding school on the PTE score inquiry website. Sending scores is free, and self-uploaded PDF versions are not valid.

Application Fee

Some universities require you to pay an application fee when applying, generally equivalent to a few hundred RMB. For such schools, if you don’t particularly want to go, it’s best not to apply. There’s a saying, “No offer, no rush; got an offer, endless worries.” After you receive an offer, you’ll be in a dilemma for a long time. If you pay the application fee but don’t intend to attend, your wallet will hurt.

Application fee payment is usually done through credit cards. Please use Visa and MasterCard. Chinese UnionPay cards are not accepted. Payment failures may occur. In such cases, try using a different credit card. When I paid the application fee for University College Dublin, my payment kept failing with a China Construction Bank Visa card. It was only successful when I switched to a China Merchants Bank MasterCard.

Preview for the Next Episode

That’s about it for the application process. Prepare your documents, upload them to the online application system, and wait for your offer. Generally, applicants who haven’t graduated yet receive con offer, which means conditional acceptance. You’ll need to upload the original and translated copies of your graduation certificate and degree certificate when you graduate, and then you can get an unconditional acceptance and CAS.

In June, when I graduate and apply for a visa, I’ll write a new article on visa application and provide information on important considerations for changing CAS (I won’t procrastinate, I promise).